S1:E2 – A Confederate Soldier in Fulton Hill & More…

Lanie shares her own personal experience with her deceased great grandfather. Sam writes in about a confederate soldier showing up on his lawn in Richmond, Virginia. Kenji DXE writes in and, tells us about a creepy doll encounter [There seem to be A LOT of haunted dolls… I don’t like the way this is going!]. Scary Is Good rounds out the show with a story about their great grandfather’s experience with a ghost child.


If you’d like to submit your own personal spooky tale to be read on the show, head to HauntedPod.com and click on the link to submit your story.

You can also e-mail me at Hauntedpod@gmail.com

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Audio Engineering provided by Chaes Gray who manages Chaes Gray Music

The official composer for the show is We Talk of Dreams, check him out on twitter @wetalkofdreams or wetalkofdreams.com