S2: E25 – I Turn The EVP Player Back On & It Said: “Follow YOU”.

Welcome back to IHWN, I’m your host, Lanie. I don’t know if you heard but, my friend Liz Sower is back with new episodes of Ghost In The Burbs. I was so thrilled to see this staple of the podcast community return to us. You guys came through for me this episode and submitted some incredible stories. We even have some returning storytellers coming back to share more about their haunted experiences… Ok, ready to get spooked?

Thank you to the following storytellers:
Savannah Storm


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If you’d like to submit your own personal spooky tale to be read on the show, head to HauntedPod.com and click on the link to submit your story. You can also e-mail me at Hauntedpod@gmail.com  

Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a positive review on apple podcasts or your podcast player of choice, it really does help us out. You can find us on Twitter @podcast_haunted, Instagram: @Itshauntedwhatnow or at hauntedpod.com

The official composer for the show is We Talk of Dreams, check him out on twitter @wetalkofdreams or wetalkofdreams.com

Audio Engineering Provided by Gray Multimedia

Until next time, did you hear that?