S4E70: Spectral Encounters: Tales from Beyond [with Special Guests!]

Good evening, fellow thrill-seekers, and welcome to another bone-chilling episode of ‘It’s Haunted…What Now?’ I’m your host, Lanie, and today’s show is a special treat as we join forces with the incredible Chris from ‘The They’re Not Shadows Podcast.’ Thanks to Chris for inviting me to collaborate on this fun venture that combines the best of our haunted worlds.

Before we delve into the eerie tales awaiting us, let me shout out to the exceptional podcasts featured in today’s episode. These shows are a must-listen for any paranormal aficionado, so follow, like, and subscribe wherever you get your podcast fix.

First, we have ‘The Ghost Story Guys,’ whose spine-tingling narratives will send shivers down your spine. Then, ‘We Need to Talk About Ghosts’ dives deep into haunted happenings, leaving no stone unturned. Prepare to be captivated by ‘Weekly Creep,’ where strange and unsettling stories come to life.

If you’re brave enough to venture further, ‘You See Me in the Dark’ will take you on a terrifying journey through the unknown. ‘Haunted Happenstance’ presents chilling tales from history with a supernatural twist, while ‘Real Life Ghost Stories’ brings haunting encounters straight from the experiences of everyday people.

Of course, we must remember the host of this eerie collaboration, ‘The They’re Not Shadows Podcast,’ who brought us together for this ghoulish gathering. And last but certainly not least, we have the hauntingly mesmerizing ‘Southern Gothic,’ where Southern legends and lore come alive.

So, whether you’re a longtime fan of ‘It’s Haunted…What Now?’ or a curious newcomer joining us for the first time, prepare for a night of chilling tales and spectral encounters. Please sit back, dim the lights, and let’s embark on this otherworldly adventure together. Get ready, dear listeners, because it’s about to get hauntingly real!”

Stories Featured in this Episode:

Our first story comes from an anonymous listener, and I want to warn you now. Prepare to be gripped by a tale that delves into the unsettling experiences of a mother and her daughter, taking us on a journey into the mysterious realms of childhood imagination and the inexplicable.

Additional stories from esteemed podcasts featured in this episode:


Are you an ardent true crime advocate? Do you possess an unwavering dedication to unveiling the truth and ensuring justice for the victims? Are you also drawn to the enigmatic world of the paranormal? Then mark your calendars for the True Crime and Paranormal Podcast Festival in Austin, Texas, from August 25th to 27th, 2023. This captivating event will feature riveting panel discussions, immersive workshops, and live podcasts, emphasizing ethical considerations and advocacy within the true crime community. Secure your tickets now at http://www.truecrimepodcastfestival.com/tickets and join us in Austin for an unforgettable experience. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to connect with fellow advocates and elevate your passion for true crime and the paranormal to new heights. USE CODE LANIE FOR 15% OFF!

Well, that does it for this episode. If you’d like to submit your own personal spooky tale to be read on the show, head to HauntedPod.com and click on the link to submit your story. You can also email me at Hauntedpod@gmail.com.

Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a positive review on Apple Podcasts or your podcast player of choice; it does help us out. You can find us on Twitter @podcast_haunted, Instagram: @Itshauntedwhatnow, or at hauntedpod.com.

The show’s official composer & audio engineer is Nico at We Talk of Dreams; check him out on Twitter @wetalkofdreams or wetalkofdreams.com.

Until next time…did you hear that?

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