S5E84: I don’t know what comes next…

What draws you to the paranormal, the haunted? Maybe you’ve experienced something for yourself – something you’ve spent years trying to write off as a coincidence despite a little voice in your ear telling you to look deeper into it; go on; you know you want to. Maybe it’s something you want to experience but never have, you urban explorers and paranormal investigators out there. Perhaps you’re a skeptic who likes a good story and a strong shiver down your spine – don’t worry, we won’t judge as long as you don’t. 

Thank you to the following for sharing your stories:

Fa11en_5aint, Additional_Doubt_243, RedHeadedStrangest 

Bonus stories shared by Anonymous & Madi.

Content Warnings: prisons, morgues, hauntings

Submitting Your Spooky Tale:

Want your chilling story featured on the show? Go to HauntedPod.com and click on the link to submit your tale. Alternatively, you can email us at HauntedPod @ Gmail. com.

Stay Connected: 

Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a positive review on Apple Podcasts or your preferred platform – your support means the world to us.

Follow us on social media:

Twitter: @itshaunted_pod

Instagram: @Itshauntedwhatnow or @Laniehobbsvo

Website: hauntedpod.com

Production Credits: 

Jesse Hawke provides production & writing assistance from Inky Pawprint.

The original music was composed by Nico from the Inky Pawprint.

Here is the list of items I use for energy cleansing in my home: Stay safe out there!