S3:E50- Interview with Author Marc Hartzman

I recently sat down with Author Marc Hartzman who wrote the incredible book ‘Chasing Ghosts’ to talk about all things SPOOKY! He shared some great stories from the book and what into researching it. Don’t forget you have an opportunity to still enter the giveaway for the book! Ok…Ready to Get Spooked?

About the Author
Marc Hartzmanis “one of America’s leading connoisseurs of the bizarre” (ABCNews.com) and is the author of several books, including The Big Book of Mars (Quirk, 2020). Hartzman’s work has appeared in Mental Floss, Bizarre, and HuffPost/AOL Weird News. He has discussed oddities on CNN, MSNBC, Ripley’s Radio, and the Travel Channel’s Mysteries at the Museum. More of his love for the unusual can be found on his site WeirdHistorian.com. Hartzman works in advertising and lives in New Rochelle with his wife, Liz, and their two daughters.

Marc’s Links:

Chasing Ghosts Giveaway:
1. Download Spotify Greenroom
2. Follow @LanieHobbs and @MarcHartzman on Spotify Greenroom
3. Follow It’s Haunted What Now? and Marc Hartzman on Instagram
4. Send a screenshot of all the above to Hauntedpod@gmail.com with the subject CHASING GHOSTS & Include your mailing address!

SPONSOR: Posh Peanut, use code ‘Tilly’ for 10% off your first order at poshpeanut.com

Well, that does it for this episode. If you’d like to submit your own personal spooky tale to be read on the show, head to HauntedPod.com and click on the link to submit your story. You can also e-mail me at Hauntedpod@gmail.com

Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a positive review on apple podcasts or your podcast player of choice, it really does help us out. You can find us on Twitter @podcast_haunted, Instagram: @Itshauntedwhatnow, or at hauntedpod.com

Production assistance by: Rebecca & Aaliyah Lopez

Writing assistance by: Meg Williams

The official composer for the show is Nico at We Talk of Dreams, check him out on twitter @wetalkofdreams or wetalkofdreams.com

Audio Engineering provided by Chaes at Gray Multimedia

S3:E49 – The best way I can think to describe it is that it seemed to be a portal to hell.

As a general rule, when we think about being watched by supernatural entities, or spirits from beyond, it’s terrifying, right? Who wants to be watched, especially when you thought you were alone?

Well, maybe some of today’s stories will have you rethinking that. While nevertheless terrifying to find yourself not as alone as you might have thought…maybe fear is what we make it. And maybe being afraid isn’t what our watchers intended at all.

…Ok, ready to get spooked?

Thank you to the following for sharing your stories:


Chasing Ghosts Giveaway:
1. Download Spotify Greenroom
2. Follow @LanieHobbs and @MarcHartzman on Spotify Greenroom
3. Follow It’s Haunted What Now? and Marc Hartzman on Instagram
4. Send a screenshot of all the above to Hauntedpod@gmail.com with the subject CHASING GHOSTS & Include your mailing address!

SPONSOR: Posh Peanut, use code ‘Tilly’ for 10% off your first order at poshpeanut.com

Well, that does it for this episode. If you’d like to submit your own personal spooky tale to be read on the show, head to HauntedPod.com and click on the link to submit your story. You can also e-mail me at Hauntedpod@gmail.com

Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a positive review on apple podcasts or your podcast player of choice, it really does help us out. You can find us on Twitter @podcast_haunted, Instagram: @Itshauntedwhatnow, or at hauntedpod.com

Production assistance by: Rebecca & Aaliyah Lopez

Writing assistance by: Meg Williams

The official composer for the show is Nico at We Talk of Dreams, check him out on twitter @wetalkofdreams or wetalkofdreams.com

Audio Engineering provided by Chaes at Gray Multimedia

S3:E47- He Came Back Pale As A Ghost…

I feel like I always take a minute here to talk about how excited I am to tell you the stories that I’ve collected today…but I’m actually really excited to share the stories I’ve collected today. From strange sightings to ghostly encounters, I feel like these stories really capture the essence of “classic scary stories” that we all think of when we think of paranormal experiences. They could happen to anyone…even you, as you’re listening to me talk about them.

Okay…ready to get spooked?

Thank you to the following for sharing your stories:


SPONSOR: Posh Peanut, use code ‘Tilly’ for 10% off your first order at poshpeanut.com

Well, that does it for this episode. If you’d like to submit your own personal spooky tale to be read on the show, head to HauntedPod.com and click on the link to submit your story. You can also e-mail me at Hauntedpod@gmail.com

Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a positive review on apple podcasts or your podcast player of choice, it really does help us out. You can find us on Twitter @podcast_haunted, Instagram: @Itshauntedwhatnow or at hauntedpod.com

Production assistance by: Rebecca Lopez

Writing assistance by: Meg Williams

The official composer for the show is Nico at We Talk of Dreams, check him out on twitter @wetalkofdreams or wetalkofdreams.com

Audio Engineering provided by Chaes at Gray Multimedia

Until next time…did you hear that?

S3:E46 – It was huge, skeletal, malnourished, with inhumanely sharp features.


I’ve collected some interesting stories for you today, from different ends of “the fear spectrum”, shall we call it. From strange sightings to near-death experiences, we’ve got them all in here today, and I’m so excited to share them with all of you! I know I’ve said it before, but I really love hearing all of your submitted stories — no two are ever the same, and no experience is ever repeated! It just goes to show how much there is out there in the world…and how much we’ll never really know the truth about.

Ok…ready to get spooked?

Thank you to the following for sharing your stories:

anonymous source

SPONSOR: Posh Peanut, use code ‘Tilly’ for 10% off your first order at poshpeanut.com

Well, that does it for this episode. If you’d like to submit your own personal spooky tale to be read on the show, head to HauntedPod.com and click on the link to submit your story. You can also e-mail me at Hauntedpod@gmail.com

Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a positive review on apple podcasts or your podcast player of choice, it really does help us out. You can find us on Twitter @podcast_haunted, Instagram: @Itshauntedwhatnow or at hauntedpod.com

Production assistance by: Rebecca Lopez

Writing assistance by: Meg Williams

The official composer for the show is Nico at We Talk of Dreams, check him out on twitter @wetalkofdreams or wetalkofdreams.com

Audio Engineering provided by Chaes at Gray Multimedia

Until next time…did you hear that?

S3:E45-I stood there, shaking and crying, telling them that I’d seen the Devil

Welcome back to IHWN, I’m your host, Brittney. 

I’m filling in for Lanie while she’s out on maternity leave.

We’re well past the Halfway To Halloween point of the year, and I don’t know about you, but I’m already starting to keep an eye out for those upcoming spooky specials in all areas pretty soon. Summer is lovely, don’t get me wrong, but Halloween? Halloween is a state of mind, one that we absolutely embrace here on the Haunted team.

And speaking of that scary state of mind, we’ve got quite the collection of stories for you today that will really get you into that mindset.

Ok…ready to get spooked?

Thank you to the following for sharing your stories:
Mary H

Well, that does it for this episode. If you’d like to submit your own personal spooky tale to be read on the show, head to HauntedPod.com and click on the link to submit your story. You can also e-mail me at Hauntedpod@gmail.com

Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a positive review on apple podcasts or your podcast player of choice, it really does help us out. You can find us on Twitter @podcast_haunted, Instagram: @Itshauntedwhatnow or at hauntedpod.com

Production assistance by: Aaliyah Lopez

Writing assistance by: Meg Williams

The official composer for the show is Nico at We Talk of Dreams, check him out on twitter @wetalkofdreams or wetalkofdreams.com

Audio Engineering Provided by Chaes at Gray Multimedia

Until next time…did you hear that?

S3: E43 – I can’t overstate how desolate it was. How alone. How isolating.

Samii – hosting for Lanie while she’s out on maternity leave. I host the It’s Frightful podcast that’s all about (Paranormal experience, much like the ones you hear on It’s haunted. As well as Creepy Encounters with not so nice people, and much much more.) & I’m so excited to be sharing these stories with you all!  Spring has officially sprung, and with the warm weather on the way, that means a lot more sunlight and energy for all of us. And what that means for us over at It’s Haunted is that we’ve got even more drive to bring you some creepy stories to curl up with at night. We’ve got some good ones today for you to sink your teeth into, and I’m excited to get started.

Ok,…ready to get spooked?

Thank you to the following for sharing your stories:
Almost unbelievable paranormal podcast
Darren from Korea

Thank you to Samii from the It’s Frightful Podcast for hosting the show!

Well, that does it for this episode. If you’d like to submit your own personal spooky tale to be read on the show, head to HauntedPod.com and click on the link to submit your story. You can also e-mail me at Hauntedpod@gmail.com

Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a positive review on apple podcasts or your podcast player of choice, it really does help us out. You can find us on Twitter @podcast_haunted, Instagram: @Itshauntedwhatnow or at hauntedpod.com

Production assistance by: Rebecca Lopez

Writing assistance by: Meg Williams

The official composer for the show is Nico at We Talk of Dreams, check him out on twitter @wetalkofdreams or wetalkofdreams.com

Audio Engineering Provided by Chaes at Gray Multimedia

Until next time…did you hear that?

S3-E41: Immediately, the laughter stopped. There were no children outside, or anywhere

The stories that I have for you today may seem like a bit of a grab bag, but at their core, they deal a lot with the idea of dreams, of awareness, and that strange line between sleeping and waking. What’s real, and what isn’t? When do we know that we’re awake, and what do we see when we’re asleep? And what happens when those lines get blurred? Do we start to see and hear things that aren’t really there…or are we seeing them clearly for the first time, when our brains are most willing to accept it?

Take a listen to these stories, and decide for yourself.

Okay. Ready to get spooked?

Thank you for sharing your stories:

John Bates

Well, that does it for this episode. If you’d like to submit your own personal spooky tale to be read on the show, head to HauntedPod.com and click on the link to submit your story. You can also e-mail me at Hauntedpod@gmail.com

Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a positive review on apple podcasts or your podcast player of choice, it really does help us out. You can find us on Twitter @podcast_haunted, Instagram: @Itshauntedwhatnow or at hauntedpod.com

Production assistance by Aaliyah Lopez

Writing assistance by: Meg Williams

Audio Engineer: Gray Multimedia

Producer / AE: Neeks at wetalkofdreams.com

S2:E37 – The loud one was different. I’d never physically seen the loud one, but I’ve heard them plenty.

I hope everyone found something to be thankful for and are looking forward to the new year and happy holidays ahead. 2020 has been a difficult year for lots of us, so I’m hoping that these holidays give you the ability to be thankful and find a little joy in an otherwise tumultuous time. Ok, ready to get spooked?

Thank you for sharing your stories with us:




Well, that does it for this episode. If you’d like to submit your own personal spooky tale to be read on the show, head to HauntedPod.com and click on the link to submit your story. You can also e-mail me at Hauntedpod@gmail.com

Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a positive review on apple podcasts or your podcast player of choice, it really does help us out. You can find us on Twitter @podcast_haunted, Instagram: @Itshauntedwhatnow or at hauntedpod.com

Production assistance by Aaliyah Lopez

Audio Engineering provided by Chaes at Gray Multimedia

S2:E36 – A hooded figure, a woman it seemed, standing by the shelf

We’ve finally moved past our spooky holidays and are hopping right into our turkey and wintery filled ones. 2020 has been a difficult year for lots of us, so I’m hoping that these holidays give you the ability to be thankful and find a little joy in an otherwise tumultuous time. Ok, ready to get spooked?

Stories submitted by:


Well, that does it for this episode. If you’d like to submit your own personal spooky tale to be read on the show, head to HauntedPod.com and click on the link to submit your story. You can also e-mail me at Hauntedpod@gmail.com

Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a positive review on apple podcasts or your podcast player of choice, it really does help us out. You can find us on Twitter @podcast_haunted, Instagram: @Itshauntedwhatnow or at hauntedpod.com

Production assistance by: Rebecca Lopez

The official composer for the show is We Talk of Dreams, check him out on twitter @wetalkofdreams or wetalkofdreams.com

Audio Engineering Provided by Chaes at Gray Multimedia

Until next time, did you hear that?

S2: E35 – Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween you spooky story lovers. I hope you’re tucked in nice and safe, because this particular episode is filled to the brim with demons, night terrors, and even the stray dead family member here to check in on you. 

Stories submitted by:

Story 1: Mathewszin

Story 2: HiMyNameisHypno

Story 3: wolfblackstar

Story 4: SoniaStory 5: Suzy St. John

Well, that does it for this episode. If you’d like to submit your own personal spooky tale to be read on the show, head to HauntedPod.com and click on the link to submit your story. You can also e-mail me at Hauntedpod@gmail.com

Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a positive review on apple podcasts or your podcast player of choice, it really does help us out. You can find us on Twitter @podcast_haunted, Instagram: @Itshauntedwhatnow or at hauntedpod.com

Production assistance by: Rebecca Lopez

The official composer for the show is We Talk of Dreams, check him out on twitter @wetalkofdreams or wetalkofdreams.com